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000168_amos-request@svcs1.digex.net_Sat Jan 31 05:22:44 1998.msg
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>From amos-request@svcs1.digex.net Sat Jan 31 05:22:44 1998
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Date: Sat, 31 Jan 1998 03:52:03 -0500 (EST)
From: Eric Hyland <a007193t@bc.seflin.org>
Subject: Re: Frontier Elite II
To: Jamie Bentley <sniper@technet2000.com.au>
cc: AMOS HELP <amos-list@access.digex.net>
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On Wed, 30 Jan 1991, Jamie Bentley wrote:
> Hello Eric,
> Have you ever looked at the executable file in PPMORE, or NZ, it is the EASIEST thing to hack in the world, you should see mine :)
> Hack it yourself, just change some coords of the ship (for the turrets), and rename the ships so a eagle is turned into a pantha or whatever.
> JB
Thank you for responding to my mail. I have looked at the code of my
CD32 version , and the 2 disk Amiga version that is how I found the
Multi-Targeter, and the Target Enhancer.
Unfortunately I am not a hacker if I was I would make my own trainer.
If you can hack why not get some fame, and make a better trainer?
Ok now to answer my own question on closer examination those two
devices are new devices like the NEW-ZZ1 Navigation Aid. This device
dosn't exist on the 2 disk version it may on the other version. It
kick in a couple of months or so after the start of the normal game.
Does any one have a disk version with the NEW-ZZ1 Navigation Aid?
Eric Hyland